MC5 Apartment Sample Project 


This sample project was prepared to for anyone who wants to Learn Unreal Engine and follow along with our Lessons on YouTube and the Academy.

We will use this sample project to learn Lighting, Blueprint (Visual Scripting) and how to prepare and expand on our architectural projects. 


FBX + Datasmith


What You Get

  • Lighting Ready with Lumen
  • Blueprint Ready (Visual Scripting)
  • Convention Naming Convention
  • FBX File
  • Datasmith File (To Preserve Layers)
  • Future Updates
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Source Files + Unreal Engine

15 USD

What You Get

  • Everything in Free + More Source File and Formats
  • UE5 Project (Studio Environment)
  • Movie Render Queue (MRQ) Rendering Presets
  • Grid Textures with Logo Template (Procedurally Generated in Unreal Engine)
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This is NOT a one time download. This project will evolve and we will create more lessons and updates as we go.

MC5 Apartment Change Log

Version 0.1.0

Date: 2024-07-09


This version focuses on preparing the MC5 Apartments 3D model for Unreal Engine and Lighting with Lumen. The project includes a structured setup with naming conventions, layers, and a clean model ready for further development.

New Features

Complete 3D Model of MC5 Apartments:

  • Finished modeling the entire apartment layout, including walls, doors, windows, ceilings, and other architectural details.

Naming Conventions:

  • New standard layer system for apartment projects.
  • Established clear and consistent naming conventions for all objects to facilitate easy identification and management.

Layer Structure:

  • Organized the model using a detailed layer structure, separating different architectural elements such as walls, doors, windows, and other assets.


Removed Placeholder Furniture and Old Meshes:

  • Removed all placeholder furniture and old meshes to provide a clean slate for students to create and add their own designs and customizations in Unreal Engine.

Model Optimization:

  • Optimized geometry for better performance and ease of use in Unreal Engine.
  • Added new standard materials with standard naming for Datasmith and DataPrep for future use.

Texture Preparation:

  • Prepared basic textures for walls, floors, and ceilings to ensure smooth initial integration into Unreal Engine.

Known Issues

  • Minor Texture Alignment:
    • Some textures might need fine-tuning after importing into Unreal Engine. (Randomize UV mapping)

Upcoming Features

  • Add a Library of Standard Low Poly 3D Assets(Members Only)

    • For DataPrep scene preparation. (Future tutorial)
  • Extending the Floor of the Building (Free)

    • Prepare for upcoming blueprint tutorials and additional architectural elements.
  • Improved Texture Mapping (Free)

    • Randomize texture mapping on some elements in the project.
  • Baked Lighting Optimized Model (Free)

    • Create a version of the apartment for anyone who wants to learn the correct preparation of models for baked lighting.


  • This version is intended as a starting point for students to apply their knowledge in lighting in Unreal Engine. Future updates will focus on adding more details and preparing the model for advanced tutorials.